Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Hello everyone- I apologize as these pictures are LONG overdue! Sophia will be 21 weeks this Thursday, February 19th. I love watching her as she develops new skills, almost on a daily basis. It also makes me kind of sad how quickly she's growing since she's going to be our only baby. Her newest thing is to roll over from her back to her stomach, and then scream at us because she HATES being on her stomach, but for some reason won't roll back over herself (even though she knows how to). She really is such a happy baby. She hardly ever fusses, usually only when she's hungry or tired. I hope that she keeps this wonderful disposition throughout the dreaded teenage years. One big and wonderful thing (for Steven and I) is she's finally sleeping better. Typically 8-11 hours through the night! Sleep has made me a much better mommy and wife. Thank you to all my friends and family for listening to me whine about it the past 4 months.
Here are some pictures that Beth and Lisa took over the past couple of weeks.
We have a bunch of pictures that we've taken over the past 6 weeks as well, and will get those posted soon. We captured some good moments of her trying butternut squash, and carrots for the first time.

Renee bought these fairy jammies for her in May when we found out we were having a girl. They finally fit her.

Our little thumb sucker-

Everything is starting to go in her mouth-

Lisa took these pictures the beginning of Feb. of Sophia in the tutu my mom purchased for her before she was born. She looks so cute and rolly.

Lisa took these pictures at the end of January. My mom bought her this cute retro dress-

Lisa kissing on Sophia.

Nana and Beth came for a visit in the middle of January. They brought Sophia a Raggedy Ann doll. She's talks non-stop to Raggedy, it cracks us up. We esp. love the first picture, she looks so pensive.

Thanks for this cute outfit as well, Marcy.

Thank you, Marcy for the cute polka dot outfit.


Sarah said...

Yahoo!!! What a doll! I think she looks like your sister, Chels! I can't believe how red her hair is! Great to hear she's sleeping better! Thanks for posting! =)

The Heaps said...

What a little chunk. She is so adorable.