Saturday, March 7, 2009

Random pix

These pictures are not in chronological order, but they're way too cute not to post.

Getting tired

She loves her tongue

Such a cute picture-I wish that I got a pix w/o someone's head in the way

Striking a pose

Trying so hard to sit up

Corked off after a long walk. Reagan's making sure she's okay.

A cute onesie from daddy

Friday, March 6, 2009

My 20 plus 13 birthday party

I had a wonderful birthday. It started out with a massage from my mom, while Terry watched Sophia. Then Kelly met up w/ us and we all went out to lunch. Steven let me take an hour nap while he watched the baby, that in itself was a real treat. Then we all met up at Brio's for drinks, and dinner. Their food is so delicious.
Sophia was an angel. She had such a busy day, and barely made a fuss. She slept so well that night, and even took a two hour nap the next day. Her average nap is about 45 minutes....poor baby was still exhausted from all the festivities.
As always my family, especially my husband, spoiled me rotten! Thank you!!!! I love you all so VERY much.

Sophia, helping me open her gift to me.

My family-
Steven took us all out to a fabulous dinner at Brio's. He made my day very special.

Terry, poor Dave got cut out of the picture.

Uncle Jeremy holding the baby. Dave in the background.

Auntie Kelly....see, I'm not the only bad photographer in the family.

My mom had this beautiful cake (red velvet, w/ cream cheese frosting-yummy) made for my birthday. Somehow, someone put two three's on my cake. They forgot I'm 20 plus 13.

Making a wish-

Uncle Jimmy & Aunt Debbie visit for the first time

Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Debbie came to visit us, (mostly Sophia) for a few days. The visit was too short, and the time went by too quickly. We miss them already.

Aunt Debbie and Sophia smiling at each other. Notice - as always Reagan is not too far away.

Uncle Jimmy trying to get Sophia to walk to him. Sorry about the bad photography. I'd like to say it was Steven's fault, but unfortunately, it was all me.

Grandma came to by to say hello, and ended up hogging Sophia.

They gave Sophia this beautiful outfit. She was only in it for a minute to make sure it fit before I washed it.

I put her back in the outfit the following day, my birthday, the day they left, because she looked so pretty in it, and it was 84 degrees out.

Three generations-

Such a beautiful picture of Debbie. She is such a classy lady; inside and out.


The pediatrician gave us the okay to start her on cereal and vegetables. She wasn't so sure about it for the first couple of bites, but has really taken to the whole eating thing ever since. Anyone surprised that she likes to eat?

Not so sure about the cereal at first-

It didn't take long before she was opening her mouth for more-


Evidence all over my face

Exhausted after all that food-

Liking her peas-
Anxiously awaiting while Terry gathers the next spoonful-

Liking her green beans

Drinking a little bit of water out of her infant sippy cup. She thinks she's so big!

Daddy's getting really good at feeding her-