Monday, April 28, 2008

2nd Ultrasound

We went to have the "1st Trimester test" done on 3/25/08, where they check for a couple different diseases. We didn't know what to expect, other than having blood work done, so we were pleasantly surprised to learn that we got to have another ultrasound. One way that they check for Down Syndrome is by measuring the fluid on the back of the baby's neck. Modern day technology is amazing! The tech taking the measurements said that our baby is very active. It looks like the baby has Steven's energy. She also marked where the face is on the still looks to me like the face is at the other end. I guess she knows what she's talking about. =)

1st Ultrasound

This was our first ultrasound taken 2/25/08. This came at a very good time, because I was so sick, and when we got to see the baby's heart beat it made me realize that it was worth the pain. We both cried.