Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I was so excited by our news that I forgot to post the baby's name. Steven and I started looking into names weeks ago. We each came up w/ 10 boy and 10 girl names, and not one matched. We then agreed upon one girl name, but couldn't agree on any boy names. Good thing we didn't have to go back to the drawing board...argument averted! Her name is going to be Sophia Jane Bacon. JaneLee is my mama's name.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's a..........

GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Steven, now he has three princesses (including Reagan) in the house. My mom and sister, Kelly, came with us. There were lots of tears of joy. She appears to be healthy. Thank you God!

This is a picture of her heartrate.
The technician couldn't get a good picture of her profile. She had her hands and legs in front of her face. She kept opening and closing her mouth , as if she were talking to us. I told my mom she's definitely a Humphrey!
Here's her hand. She was waving to us.

We're so excited!!! Steven's parents, aunts, and uncle, had all boys, so this will be the first girl on the Karge side. As my baby sister, Lexie, would say GUWLS WULE!!!

We're off to Virginia for the rest of the week. I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cake decorating class

I am taking a cake decorating class at Michael's with Laura, Molly, and Shannon. It's been a little more stressful than I had anticipated. I thought you just show up and they'll give you supplies and show you how to make pretty decorations on a cake...not so much! You have to make your own cake, which is easy, because that comes in a box, but you do have to make your own icing. Lots and lots of icing. Practice icing, thick, medium, thin, colored icing. This was quite a task, that is for me anyways. I just wanted to show my cake off, because who knew I could decorate a cake?! This really doesn't have anything to do with the baby, other than maybe I'm becoming more domesticated now that I'm with child...or maybe that's wishful thinking. I do have two more classes to go, so I'll have to post those pictures as well. Just for those of you who are always making fun of my domestic side.

New baby cousin

My cousin, Shama, and her husband, Isaac, and their new baby, Kimball, came to Ft. Worth this weekend for a quick visit. Kimball, was just 6 weeks old on Mother's Day, which was Shama's due date. As you can see, he's a very healthy preemie. I could've held him forever. I did give Steven a few minutes with him...he has kind of a goofy look on his face, but I think it's excitement that soon he'll be holding his own baby boy or girl. Speaking of boy or girl, one week from today and we get to find out what we're having. Hurray!!!

Soon to be Nana Bacon

We had a nice visit with Steven's mom. The time went by quickly, but she'll be back in October to help us out when the baby arrives. She's a gourmet cook...we're both really looking forward to some good eats. I don't think she really wanted her picture up on the blog, but I thought this picture was cute and wanted to post it. Sorry, Barbara.=)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Baby kickin'

I felt the baby move for the first time this morning @ 1:20am!!! I was in a dream like stupor and couldn't figure out why my stomach was twitching, then I realized it was the baby! It felt like a muscle twitch and went on for about an hour. I wanted to wake up Steven, but figured it could wait 'til morning.

Steven's mom is coming in today from Florida to visit us thru the weekend. We're excited.

Only 19 more days until we get to find out the sex...I can't wait!!!!!!!!!