Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2 Week Doctor Visit was today! See all my visitors that have come to see me!

Na Na says I should be on TV, look at my pose!

Damn I am cute in blue or green, yellow or any color
Pa Paw and Grandma

Na Na and Grandma Share me

Making faces at Pa Paw

Terry Visits me

Katie comes to see me

Aunt Kelly spoiling me...I can get used to that

We had our 2nd Dr. visit today and got clean bill of health. She is now 8lbs 6 oz. and 21.25 inches long. She is growing at a good pace, eating like crazy and the Dr. said I am very healthy. We have to take her to the hospital for a her final screening after we take Na Na to the airport. That goodbye will for sure have tears for us all.

1 comment:

Strong Family said...

Your first night "alone"will be fine. I cried when my mom left too. . .such good help is hard to find but you can do it!