Monday, September 8, 2008

New due date

Thursday, September 25th is my new due date!! A little over a week early. The doctor wants to induce me early so she has more control over the blood clot situation. She has also changed my medicine from Lovenox, to Heparin. The Heparin doesn't stay in your system as long.
I'm going to be a mom in 17 days! Holy cow!!!!!!!!!


Jess said...

Oh my goodness that is so soon from now. You must be going nuts with anticipation! I can't wait to see some cute chubby baby photos and I hope Steven can email them to me on his phone when Sophia is born. Don't make us wait too long!!!! LOL!

Sarah said...

How exciting, Chels! Hope the next two weeks go smoothly! I'm sending good thoughts your way!