Saturday, August 9, 2008

Blood clot

I wanted to send out a health update to my friends and family that I don't get to speak to on a regular basis. I apologize if it seems impersonal, I just didn't want to type, or retell the story a million times, so I thought the blog would be the best way to relay the information.

I have been diagnosed w/ a 9 inch blood clot in my left leg. It all started last Friday night when my leg started to ache, and I had a slight red line running up the side of my calf. I let it go until Tuesday, when Laura, told me to go see my doctor. I went in to see our family physician, who looked at it briefly, called in another doctor, and they both said it appeared to be a blood clot, but no need for me to be concerned. In the meantime, the clot continued to run up my leg, and was getting more sore, and red. So, once again Laura, told me to call my OBGYN. Plus, my mom, who is not a worrier, started to worry. Apparently, my great grandfather on my father's side died from a blood clot that started in his leg.

I called my OB, who wanted me in first thing Thursday morning to have a sonogram technician look at it. The technician said it measured out to be about 9 inches long, but to go home, and the doctor will call w/ the results. About 45 minutes later, I get a call from the doctor to come into the office because I'm going to have to learn how to inject myself w/ Lovenox, a blood thinner, for the rest of my pregnancy, and up to 6 weeks afterwards. Her concern is that the clot will break off and travel to my lungs...and, well, you know what would happen after that.

Unlike my husband, I'm not afraid of needles. But the thought of injecting myself two times a day for 14 weeks made me cry. I was trying to be brave as the nurse was demonstrating the process, but I still cried, just a little. Steven was so sweet because he took the day off to cart me back 'n' forth to the doctor's...he was very worried about me, but he couldn't be in the room for the needle demonstration. Which means I'm all on my own for the injections.

I'm getting better at sticking myself, but I really don't enjoy it! It stings for a couple of minutes, and I get nauseated for about two hours afterwards, but other than that it's not too bad. I can tell you that I've definitely ruled out ever becoming a junky!!

I go back in on Monday for more blood tests to make sure it's working. Which I believe it is working, because the redness is going down, as is the pain.

That's it for now. I'll keep you all updated if anything new comes along.
Love you all!


Unknown said...

Somehow I doubt Steve wants a single guy touching his wife's leg, but I have no problems with needles, so should you need help at any point I am obviously only 30 min. away. I am glad you got it checked out, and sorry for all the constant pain you are not going to need to endure. Watch over yourself during this period of time and yeah thanks again for having me over.

Jess said...

Oh Chels! I can't believe you have to deal with this on top of how sick you were in the beginning of your pregnancy. This little girl better be born a good eater and sleeper to make up for all the drama she's putting your through:) And giving birth better not hurt one bit! I think she is a litte princess in the making already!

90-Dayer said...

OMG! This is extremely weird because your post was on my birthday and I also had a blood clot in my left leg as a result of my pregnancy!

It was found when my daughter was three weeks old, stretched from my ankle to my stomach and I still have it 2 years later. It has just moved right on in and become a part of me!

It is a very scary but, hey, we're both still alive and I've just learned to take it day by day.

I hope yours will dissolve soon! Best of luck to you.