Thursday, May 1, 2008

Baby kickin'

I felt the baby move for the first time this morning @ 1:20am!!! I was in a dream like stupor and couldn't figure out why my stomach was twitching, then I realized it was the baby! It felt like a muscle twitch and went on for about an hour. I wanted to wake up Steven, but figured it could wait 'til morning.

Steven's mom is coming in today from Florida to visit us thru the weekend. We're excited.

Only 19 more days until we get to find out the sex...I can't wait!!!!!!!!!


Jess said...

That is the best feeling ever, isn't it! I'm so excited for you:)Love your blog, especially the "baconbits" address. So cute!
Love ya,

Marcy Boyd said...

So exciting . . . can't imagine!!