Wednesday, May 27, 2009

She's so nosy!! We tried to put her down for a nap in Clark & Teresa's camper, but she didn't want to miss a thing. I captured a pix of her peeking over the pillows.

Looking nautical in her pretty dress Steven bought her.

On her first boat ride w/ Clark & Teresa.

She enjoyed her 1st time on a merry-go-round.

Terry put up a swing in her backyard for Sophia. She had a blast swinging. Every time we stopped pushing her she'd rock back-n-forth trying to make it go again.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Daddy got this sweet outfit for her. He picks out cute clothes.

This was just a few of the babies at the mommies play date two weeks ago. There were a lot of babies there!

Sheila bought this outfit for Soph over in Europe.

Daddy bought Sophia a muumuu from Hawaii.

Reagan getting a few kisses in.

Sophia napping w/ her stuffed piggy. So sweet.

Daddy tickling a naked baby.

Our little cherub.

Aunt Lexie, and Sophie wearing twin outfits from Children's Place.
My dad, grandpa, feeding her.

Steven's dad, papa, feeding her for the first time.

Sophia in her "My daddy rocks" t-shirt before Steven's first concert.
Look how long she is!

Steve and the Band with no Name

Here is my first time ever playing guitar with a band on stage. We have only been playing for three weeks. Our drummer was out the last practice and got lost on the ending, but it was fun and I thank all my family and friends that came out to support me. Enjoy!

Friday, May 1, 2009

7 months & counting...

I can't believe our little red haired, blue eyed baby is already 7 months old! Time really does fly when you're having fun, and we have had a lot of fun. Everyday is a new adventure in her eyes.
She has really discovered her voice. Her latest discovery is to scream at the top of her lungs. She screams so loud that it makes her cough. It really is ear piercing.

She still really enjoys watching Baby Einstein. The puppets make her giggle. It tickles us so to watch her, watching Baby Einstein. I tried to capture a moment w/ her laughing at the puppets on video. I'm going to see if Steven can post the video on the blog.
She's rolling over like crazy, and sitting up by herself pretty well. She's not quite ready to crawl yet, but we don't think it's too far away.
She has definitely changed our lives; in a good way, of course. Our world revolves around this little person, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Here are some pictures from the last week, and the last five from today-

Don't you wish you could be so flexible? I sure do!

Watching Baby Einstein, while sucking on my feet.

Soooo very happy.

Lovin my tongue.

How can I get that remote?

Mommy is so funny.

I've had enough of this picture taking business!