Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sophia's 1st bday party & prof. pix.

I LOVE this picture. So sweet & innocent!

Molly gave her this outfit. Sally made her the quilt.

Daddy the crazy Steeler fan

Auntie Kelly

Molly baking the cupcakes Ter Ter
She needed a bath after eating cake
Aunt Lexie
3 generations

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This one is for Nana

Nana, I know you're not in love w/ the bows in her hair-however, you do LOVE the back of her head. I took these pictures for you. Look at those curls!

Monday, August 17, 2009

8.5-10.5 months

Once again, I have fallen behind on my blog duties. I've been updating my facebook page, but neglecting the blog. I promise to be better.
These pictures are from the last couple of months-starting w/ the most recent pictures. I can't believe how fast she's growing. She has a long torso like me, and her hair is growing as fast as her body. She has two bottom teeth, and FOUR top. She's also developing a red headed temper, although she's still sweet as can be. As her Nana says, "she has a mind of her own". Boy does she ever!

This was our last day in TN.

Sitting in the same rocking chair that Beth sat in at her age.

A rare moment of cuddling w/ her Nana. She's usually too busy to sit still.

Her first time swimming in a lake. She had a blast. Nana & Beth had fun too, watching her go crazy.

Sitting in a big girl swing...she wasn't so sure about it.

Nana being silly wearing Sophia's hat.

"Teaching" Nana how to play the piano. Every time Nana tried to place Sophie's fingers on the keys, Sophie would toss her hand aside. She already had it covered. =)

A pianist in the making.

Devouring her first nectarine from the Mennonite village. She went so crazy for the nectarine that she bit my thumb & ate everything but the pit. They really were the best nectarines I had ever eaten.

Fresh air! We took advantage of being outside in TN, since we don't get much of that in the Summer time in TX.

Sitting in her excersaucer after swimming lessons. She still likes to play w/ the toys on the outside of the excersaucer, but doesn't like being "trapped" in there.
Marcy's first trip out to see Sophia. We had a blast.
Playing the Indian game w/Marcy.
"Sharing" Marcy's water bottle.
She loves to drink out of water bottles.

Kris bought this cowboy hat for Jackson. It was a bit too small for him, so she gave it to Sophie.

Being silly w/ Terry.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Swimming baby

Sophia's 1st time in the pool was at my dad's house. She absolutely LOVED the water. She was splashing and kicking away. It was soooo cute and fun to watch her in the pool. We're looking forward to a fun Summer in the pool-but not w/out a TON of sunscreen for our fairskinned beauty.

Lexie was excited to see Sophia swim for the first time.

Grandpa holding Sophie. Check out those chunky legs! It's the only time in a girl's life where chunky legs are so beautiful.

Splashing like crazy while daddy held her.

Checking out her new floaty.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

She's so nosy!! We tried to put her down for a nap in Clark & Teresa's camper, but she didn't want to miss a thing. I captured a pix of her peeking over the pillows.

Looking nautical in her pretty dress Steven bought her.

On her first boat ride w/ Clark & Teresa.

She enjoyed her 1st time on a merry-go-round.

Terry put up a swing in her backyard for Sophia. She had a blast swinging. Every time we stopped pushing her she'd rock back-n-forth trying to make it go again.